Monday, March 19, 2012

Well! Small town boy taking on L.A. and winning! Soon will all bow down to me....

too much?


My name is Jeffery.

I'm, really....=)

I am:
-an actor
-an artist
-a singer
-a massage therapist
-an entrepreneur
-a partner
-a father (pet owner)
-gay (and proud)
-transitioning to a cave man
-famous in my own mind

and more, I'm sure.

I am from Indiana and I came to California to chase my dreams and happiness with my partner:

I GUARANTEE he is going to yell at me for posting his picture....everyone ask later, I will verify!!! My psychic abilities say he will say, and quote, "Why did you post THAT picture!?!?!" (everyone who thinks it's cute, say so to support me and shut him up!!! hahaha)

As you can see, we love each other:

We uprooted our entire lives after the traumatic loss of our business, threw away all of the guidelines in a typical life and moved to L.A.. For the past 2 months, we have lived out of our car. We are not homeless, we actually have a place up north, in San Jose. We chose this. Is it tough? it worth it? TOTALLY! We will have quite a story when this is all done and over.

The other members of our family are Baxter and Cyrus, as seen below:

And this is Felix:

He is currently hanging out with my mom in San Jose, until April, when he will get to move down here with us!

I am an openly gay. I hear it is a mental disorder....which may mean that I can start claiming disability...happily crippled. I'll see how that plays out =)

Again, I'm here to make a name for myself, or at least have fun doing my damn'dest......this is a word....promise!

Anyway! My new goal in life is to NOT follow the norms of society, to NOT do the expected and to make up my own rules. Why? Simple...if I never get famous, then at least I enjoyed myself =)

Truly....I'm a very modest, fun loving guy. I'm just here to have some fun, entertain myself, network and let my followers....(when I have some)....know that I love them and appreciate them!